The April War, also known as Four-day War, is a short-lived war that broke out on April 2 and lasted till April 5, 2016, along the line of contact between the armed forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Armenian Republic in Karabakh. The War began due to the violation of the ceasefire by the armed forces of the Armenian Republic. Thus, from mid-March until early April of 2016, the Armed Forces of the Armenian Republic continued intensively violating the ceasefire. On the night of April 1 to 2, Armenian forces began a full-scale assault attacking along the entire front, targeting Azerbaijani Armed Forces positions and civilian settlements, thus creating armed provocations across the line of contact between the two states.
The War ended with the help of Russian mediation on April 5 when both sides ceased military operations. During the conflict, the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan took control of heights around Talysh village, which could pose a threat to Goranboy region and Naftalan city, and Lele Tepe hill, which is located in the direction of Fuzuli region, liberated Seysulan settlement and ensured control over roads in the direction of Aghdara-Madagiz.[1]
Regardless of who started the hostilities, it should be noted that since 2011 substantial and constructive negotiations have not been conducted between the parties to the conflict. However, a constant violation of ceasefire along the frontline and arming of both sides continued steadily.[2] Given circumstances between the parties and the lack of adequate and structural stand of the OSCE Minsk Group in the negotiation process created a security dilemma for both sides, consequently making brief confrontations such as the April War inevitable.
According to official records, 31 servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan lost their lives during the military operations.[3] However, other sources state the death of 93 servicemen and six civilians, the shoot-down of one Mi-24 helicopter, and the destruction of one tank due to a mine explosion.[4] According to the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan, from the Armenian side, 30 tanks, up to 15 artillery weapons, and reinforced engineering facilities have been destroyed, 320 servicemen have been killed, and more than 500 militaries have been wounded.[5]
As a result of the April War, for the first time since the signing of the 1994 ceasefire treaty, the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan were victorious in liberating more than 2000 ha of occupied territories.[6] It ensured the transfer of psychological superiority to the Azerbaijani side and boosted the reputation and confidence of the Army in Azerbaijani society.
On April 5, around 12 pm, parties to the conflict agreed to cease military operations across the Azerbaijan-Armenia borderline. The agreement was reached by the chiefs of general staff of the armed forces of the Republics of Azerbaijan and the Armenian Republic in the capital of Russia, Moscow.
[1] Həsənqarayev, Tural, “4 günlük müharibə (Aprel döyüşləri),” TOPCHUBASHOV Center, Aprel 5, 2022; Accessed on December 4, 2022.
[2] Broers, Laurence, “The Nagorny Karabakh Conflict Defaulting to War,” Chatham House, July 11, 2016; Accessed on December 4, 2022.
[3] Mammadov, Seymur, “Why did Armenia lose the April War?” The Jerusalem Post, April 2, 2018; Accessed on December 4, 2022.
[4] “Минобороны Азербайджана назвало потери в боях,”, April 5, 2016; Accessed on December 4, 2022.
[5] Abbasov, Ramil, “Aprel döyüşləri – böyük zəfərin başlanğıcı,” Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan, February 17, 2018; Accessed on December 4, 2022.
[6] Broers, “The Nagorny Karabakh Conflict Defaulting to War”.