July 7, 1923
The czar autocracy, which strived for enslavement of the national minorities in the former Russian Empire, did not hesitate to annihilate individual nationalities by means of setting them against each other.
The Armenian-Moslem massacre of 1905-6 in the South Caucasus, could serve as the best evidence of the ruinous policy of the Russian autocracy. At the moment when revolutionist labor people of the South Caucasus began to openly express their discontent at capitalist oppression, czar general Vorontsov-Dashkovs created hostility among two historically related nations of Armenians and Moslems. This became even more evident when the South Caucasus was divided into three “independent states”, headed by a group of national chauvinists-Musavatists, Dashnaks and Mensheviks, who were the flunkeys of the Western capital and brought domination over the national minorities to the forefront. Within a short period of the existence of these “states” they spilled a great deal of blood of working peasants in the Karabakh Mountains and other parts of the South Caucasus.
The annihilation of national oppression and inequality in whatever form these are displayed is in the replacement of the national hostility and hatred by the international solidarity of fraternal nations within a single state union, is one of the main tasks of the working and peasant revolution and the Soviet power.
In order to fulfill this task, the Central Executive Soviet Committee of Azerbaijan decides:
Chairman of AzCEC M.B. Kasumov
Secretary of AzCEC M. Hanbudagov.